Building Works
The building work at Oxbridge Lane Primary School will begin over the Summer Holidays. Brims, the construction company have already begun to set up their site office on half of the MUGA (next to Nursery). The other half of that will be 3 classrooms. The indicated days may be subject to change if there are any delays. We look to keep everyone informed as best we can.
Phase 1 - Summer 2024 until Easter 2025
During Phase 1 the middle building of school will be refurbished first. This means that the classrooms, office space, toilets and library within this space will not be in use. School will remain secure so that no pupils will have access to the spaces where the work is being carried out.
During Phase 1, the bottom playground (near Reception Classroom) will not be in use by the pupils apart from to get across the yard to their classrooms. Timetables for playtime and lunchtime have already been carefully considered for minimal disruption.
The parts of the plan that are in colour, are the sections of school that will be worked on and will not be available.

Phase 2 - Easter 2025 until Summer 2025
During Phase 2, works on the Marlborough building will take place. The bottom playground (near Reception Classroom) will still not be in use by the pupils apart from to get across the yard to their classrooms. Some of the spaces that were worked on in Phase 1 will now be available to use.
The parts of the plan that are in the brighter colour, are the sections of school that will be worked on and will not be available.

Phase 3 - Summer 2025 until Easter 2026
Works on Osborne building will take place. This will include the top playground. During this time, the main hall, office, reception, entrance and 3 classroom spaces will be out of use. At these points, we will be using spaces in the Marlborough building as our dining hall and lunch spaces. Collection and drop off points will be altered due to this. More information on that will be shared nearer to the time.
The parts of the plan that are in the brighter colour, are the sections of school that will be worked on and will not be available. Again, the classrooms that are named on this image are where the classrooms will be upon completion of the building works and will not be where the pupils are at this point.

Phase 4 - Easter 2026 until Summer 2026
Throughout this time, the playground works will be completed.