Vision Statement for Reading
At Oxbridge Lane Primary we want our pupils to leave school with a lifelong love of reading. We strongly believe that reading is at the heart of becoming a successful learner and are eager to fill our children’s school days with engaging and exciting texts which spark their imaginations. Early reading is a priority, we want our pupils to learn to read so they can read to learn. Our aim is to create fluent, independent readers with rich and varied vocabulary who have the ability to reflect on what they have read and apply their skills across all areas of the curriculum.
At Oxbridge our pupils are taught phonic and reading skills using Jolly Phonics. Staff teach the 5 skills from the Jolly Phonics Programme and this is delivered in an engaging and multi-sensory way. All staff are encouraged to teach in a creative way, but ensure that each lesson gives children opportunities to review previous learning, be taught a new sound, practise and apply.
Vision Statement for Writing
Our vision is that every child, no matter their starting point, leaves Oxbridge Lane Primary with the ability to apply the use of engaging vocabulary into their writing. We want our children to use their love of reading and become authors themselves. Our aim is for children to be successful writers, building on skills year on year, to become confident, enthusiastic authors, applying their skills to write in a variety of different styles and for a range of purposes and audiences.