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Equality Objectives

Every four years, we formulate and publish specific and measurable objectives. The objectives which we identify take into account national and local priorities and issues, as appropriate. We keep our equality objectives under review and report to the governing body on progress towards achieving them.


  1. To ensure that the physical environment of the school and site are fully accessible to all pupils, staff and the whole community.

  2. All included pupils have access to all aspects of the curriculum on their level of need.

  3. To ensure that the Accessibility Plan is led, managed and evaluated to a high standard.

  4. Ensure smooth transfer of pupils from primary to secondary school.

  5. To make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of individual employees, pupils or members of the wider community in order that no area of school is inaccessible to them.

  6. To keep absence rates register including statistics for employees with disabilities.

  7. To keep a record of employee exit routes including promotion for all employees including colleagues with disabilities.

  8. Ensure equal opportunities within the workplace.

  9. To seek local authority support to provide information in a variety of formats for parents/ carers and members of the wider community.


As a public body, we ensure that we comply with the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017.

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