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Oxbridge Lane Governing Body

Message from the Governing Body


The Governing Body of Oxbridge Lane Primary School aims to ensure that the school provides a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment and to have high aspirations for each and every child.


We will achieve this by being actively involved in the daily life of the school and by working alongside the Head teacher and Senior Leadership Team to:


  • Set challenging aims and objectives for the school

  • Ensure the school’s plan for improvement (School Improvement and Development Plan) is carried out

  • Agree policies, priorities and performance targets

  • Look for evidence the these objectives are being achieved

  • Ask challenging questions of the Head teacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure the school achieves our overarching aim.

  • Our decisions and actions will always be in the best interests of our children and their families and we will be prepared to explain our decisions openly and honestly to staff, parents, children, the Local Authority and those members of the wide community, who may have an interest in the conduct and the standards of the school.


Mr Tristan Keates (Chair of Governors)


To get in touch with the chair of governors please contact the school office using the contact details below:


Oxbridge Lane
TS18 4DA

Tel: 01642 607421
Fax: 01642 605896





The Role of the Governing Body



  • Ensure that policies are in place and school meets statutory requirements.

  • Hear appeals/complaints about curriculum matters.


Religious Education (RE) and Collective Worship

  • Arrange for RE to be provided in accordance with the agreed syllabus.

  • Arrange for daily Collective Worship for all pupils.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

  • Ensure staff know the importance of identifying and helping pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

  • Make every effort to meet needs of SEND pupils.

  • Ensure teachers of pupils with SEND are aware of and provide for their individual needs.

  • Inform the Local Authority about pupils who may need a EHCP.

  • Ensure that pupils with SEND can join in school activities as far as is practicable.



  • Decide how to spend the school’s delegated budget depending on any conditions in the LA scheme.

  • Must be consulted by the LA on significant changes to the LA’s local management of schools’ scheme.

  • Ensure accurate financial accounts are kept.



  • Select the Headteacher.

  • Decide staff numbers and appointments.

  • Can exercise a range of pay discretion.

  • Set disciplinary procedures.

  • Hear staff grievances.

  • Ensure that effective Performance Management Procedures are in place and are followed.

  • Select Clerk to Governing Body.



  • Admit pupils whose parents have chosen the school, where places are available.

  • May comment on LA admissions arrangements when consulted annually.

  • Can ask the LA to raise admissions limit for their school.


Equal Opportunities

  • Must not discriminate against pupils, job applications or staff on grounds of sex, race, disability or marital status in line with current legislation.


Discipline and Attendance

  • Must agree the statement on discipline.

  • Consider representations about exclusion.

  • Ensure attendance registers are kept.

  • Must report on unauthorised attendances in the school prospectus.

  • Decide the duration of school sessions.


Providing information

  • Must supply the LA with any written information asked for – e.g. financial information and reports, annual returns.

  • Supply parents with comparative information on school’s performance (via website).

  • Ensure the School’s website is up to date and accessible to parents.

  • Maintain pupils’ educational records and allow access.

  • Provide other statutory reports on data as appropriate in line with current legislation.



  • Notify parents and other relevant bodies of pending inspection.

  • Provide information to registered inspector.

  • Distribute Inspection Report and summary.

  • Draw up action plan if required by OFSTED.


.Health, Safety and Welfare

  • Make sure buildings, equipment and materials are safe and no risk to health in line with current legislation.


Charging for School Activities

  • Determine the charging and remissions policy.

  • May invite voluntary contributions.

  • Ensure free provision of activities in school time.

  • May charge for some activities provided out of school hours.


School Building

  • Control the use of premises outside of the school day.

  • Follow LA directions on community use outside school hours.




Governing Body Meeting Attendance

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Governing Body Membership and Vacancies

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