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Teachers: Miss Parker

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Payne

PE Days

Monday and Friday


Children are encouraged to come to school wearing outdoor PE kit during the Coronavirus epidemic. 


Weekly homework is given out which consolidates learning taken place in school. Children are given a paper copy of this each Friday and it is due the following Wednesday. 

Additional homework may also be added to Google Classroom. All children have been given log in details. Please speak to your child’s teacher or contact school if you have any difficulties logging on.


Click the following link to access Google Classroom:


Click on the links below to view more information about the Reception curriculum.


Reception Curriculum Overview

Reception Autumn Term Timetable


The Early Years curriculum has changed from September 2021. Here is the new statutory framework:

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage (



Children in Reception are encouraged to bring their reading books and Reading Record into school daily. Reading books will be changed once records are ticked and initialed that the book has been read.

Each child has a ‘Teach Your Monster to Read’ log in. This can be accessed for free on a desktop/laptop (or £5 to download the app on a phone/tablet). Children are encouraged to access this for 20 minutes daily via the following link.

​At Oxbridge our pupils are taught phonic and reading skills using Jolly Phonics. Staff teach the 5 skills from the Jolly Phonics Programme and this is delivered in an engaging and multi-sensory way. All staff are encouraged to teach in a creative way, but ensure that each lesson gives children opportunities to review previous learning, be taught a new sound, practise and apply. Please review the English section of the website to review the progression for teaching phonics English | Oxbridge Lane

National Assessments: Reception Baseline Assessment


The Reception Baseline Assessment became a statutory assessment from September 2020. 


The purpose of the reception baseline assessment is to provide an on-entry assessment of pupil attainment to be used as a starting point from which a cohort-level progress measure to the end of key stage 2 (KS2) can be created.


Here is the Assessment Framework: Assessment framework Reception Baseline Assessment (

Additional Support for Learning

Below are suggested websites for children to access to support/stretch learning.

Jolly Phonics Songs -

Phonic Games - PhonicsPlay

National Assessments: Teacher Assessments

Throughout the year staff assess children’s progress on a daily basis and more formally each half term.

Reception Photos

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