Miss Johnson
Mrs Verity
Mrs Nicol
PE Days​
Monday and Wednesday
Weekly homework is given out which consolidates learning taken place in school. Children are given a paper copy of this each Friday and it is due the following Wednesday.
We recommend that pupils read for 15 minute daily.
If you want any extra activities or suggestions to further support your child’s learning. Please speak to their class teacher.
Spellings information will be given out every Monday ready for Spelling Bee on Fridays.
The story box will come home every Friday with a different child and should be returned to school the following Monday. Please share the cosy up with a hot chocolate to read the book and support your child in creating a page in the notebook about the book.
In the mornings, learning is quite formal and consists of Maths, English, Phonics/Spelling and handwriting.
The afternoons are more active and although the children are taught new things each day across the subjects of Geography, History, Art, DT, Music, PE, Science, RE, PSHE/RSE and Computing, there are areas of learning for the children to choose to work in as well as curriculum tasks that link to what has been taught that day.
Regular stories are shared and discussed.
Additional Support for Learning
Below are suggested websites for children to access to support/stretch learning.
KS1 BBC Bitesize
Phonics Play
Learn to Count with fun Counting Games for KS1 Children (
Phonics Games for the Classroom and Home - Phonics Bloom
Numbots and TTRS (Ask your child’s class teacher if you’ve forgotten your log in)
National Assessments - (e.g Phonics screening, SATS etc, multiplication tests)
Though SATS are now optional, we are still using them to assess children’s attainment and progress levels. These will be administered in May/June time. So that the children are prepared and know what to expect, practise SAT papers are carried out each half term. They are done as part of a lesson so that the children do not feel on edge or worried about them.
Children who did not pass Phonics in Year 1 will be required to re-sit this in Year 2. This will take place in June.
National Assessments: Teacher Assessments
We are continually assessing for progress across the curriculum. We do this through the following:
Writing tasks
Accelerated Reader
Power Maths Assessments
NfER Assessments
Mock Phonics Screening