Teachers - Miss Young and Miss Excell
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Lofthouse and Miss Illingsworth
PE Days​
Tuesday and Wednesday
Children are encouraged to come to school wearing outdoor PE kit during the Coronavirus epidemic.
Daily reading and use of Times Table Rockstars.
Homework is set on a Friday if needed and returned by the following Wednesday.
Children are encouraged to read each day and to bring their reading records into school.
Reading books will be changed once books are finished and reading records have been signed.
Spellings are given out on each Friday.
Click on the links below to view more information about the curriculum.
Additional Support for Learning
Times Table Rockstars
BBC Supermovers
BBC Bitesize​
National Assessments: Phonics Screening Check
The check usually takes place in June when children are in Year 1.
For this assessment, children will read 40 words out loud to a teacher. Parents will find out how their child did before the end of the summer term.
If your child does not achieve the pass score in Year 2, they will re-sit the assessment near the end of Year 3.
National Assessments: Teacher Assessments
Throughout the year staff assess children’s progress on a daily basis and more formally each half term.